The APPG for 'left behind' neighbourhoods was active between June 2020 and March 2024. This website will no longer be updated.


APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2020a). ‘Communities of trust: why we must invest in the social infrastructure of ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods’, Available at: https://www.appg- publication/communities-of-trust-why-we-must-invest-in-the-infrastructure-of-left- behind-neighbourhoods/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2020b).‘Communities at risk: the early impact of COVID-19 on ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods’, Available at: https:// www.appg-leftbehindneighbourhoods. (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022a).‘Residents in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods uniquely vulnerable to rising cost of living’, Available at: https:// www.appg-leftbehindneighbourhoods. neighbourhoods-uniquely-vulnerable-to- rising-cost-of-living/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022b).‘Overcoming health inequalities in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods’, https://www. wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Overcoming- Health-Inequalities.pdf p. 45 (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022c). Inquiry session one: Levelling up social outcomes. Available at: https://www. inquiry-into-levelling-up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022d). Inquiry session two: Levelling up economic outcomes. Available at: https:// uk/inquiry-into-levelling-up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022e). Inquiry session three: Levelling up communities. Available at: https://www. inquiry-into-levelling-up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2022f). Inquiry session four: Levelling up investment. Available at: https://www.appg- into-levelling-up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2023a). Session on the Community Wealth Fund and dormant assets funding. Available at: https://www.appg- sessions/ (Accessed: June 2023).

APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (2023b). Levelling up local outcomes, p.7, Available at: https://www.appg- publication/policy-short-levelling-up-local- outcomes/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Atherton, G; Le Chevallier, M (2023).‘Funding Levelling up: who really benefits?’ Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up, https:// SBT2517%20University%20of%20West%20 London%20Funding%20levelling%20up%20 Report%20v4%20WEB_0.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Bennett, E; Coule, T; Damm, C, Dayson, C; Dean, J; Macmillan, R (2019). Civil Society Strategy: A Policy Review. Voluntary Sector Review, 10 (2), 213-223.

Bennett Institute for Public Policy (2021). Townscapes: the value of social infrastructure. https://www.bennettinstitute. Townscapes_The_ value_of_infrastructure. pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Big Conversation Wakefield (2023). Available at: (Accessed: June 2023).

Blundell, R; Cribb, J; McNally, S; Warwick, R; Xu, X (2021). Inequalities in education, skills and incomes in the UK: the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic (London: Institute for Fiscal Studies): p.29.

Britton, Tessy (2020). A Time for Quick Action. timefor-quick-action-53a52203948d (Accessed: April 2023).

Centre for Citizenship and Community, University of Central Lancashire (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Centre for Local Economic Strategies (2020). Community Wealth Building 2020, Available at: community-wealth-building-2020/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Community Wealth Fund Alliance (2021). Understanding ‘left Behind’ Neighbourhoods: a visual guide, Available from: https://communitywealthfund. Understanding-left-behind-neighbourhoods_ final.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Charitable Journalism Project (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Community Organisers (2023). Oral evidence to the APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods’ session on the Community Wealth Fund and dormant assets funding. Available at: https://www.appg- sessions/ (Accessed: June 2023).

Community Land Trust Network (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

City-REDI (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Collins, T (2016). Urban civic pride and the new localism, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Geographical Society, 41: p. 176.

Coalfields Regeneration Trust (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Consumer Data Research Centre (2023). ‘Index of Multiple Deprivation,’ Available at: multiple-deprivation-imd (Accessed: April 2023).

Create Streets Foundation (2021). No Place Left Behind: report of the Commission into Prosperity and Community Placemaking, Available at: https://www. left-behind/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Demos (2023). The Preventative State: Rebuilding our local, social and civic foundations. Available at: https://demos. rebuilding-our-local-social-and-civic- foundations/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (2022). Levelling Up the United Kingdom. Available at: government/publications/levelling-up-the- united-kingdom (Accessed: April 2023).

Diamond, P; Richards, D; Sanders, A; Westwood, A (2023). Levelling Up the UK: If not the Conservatives, will Labour Learn the Lessons from Past Policy Failings?, The Political Quarterly, Available at: epdf/10.1111/1467-923X.13234 (Accessed: April 2023).

Enenkel, K (2021).What can German reunification teach the UK about levelling up?’, Centre for cities, Available at: https:// german-reunification-teach-the-uk-about- levelling-up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Fields in Trust (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Foundational Economy (2022).‘Restanza in Blaenau’, Available at: https:// restanza-in-blaenau/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Frontier Economics (2021). The Impacts of Social Infrastructure Investment: A Report for Local Trust, Available at: https://www. social-infrastructure-investment/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Goodwin, M; Heath, O (2016).‘The 2016 referendum, Brexit and the Left Behind: An Aggregate-level Analysis of the Result’, The Political Quarterly, 87: p.3.

Gore, T; Wells, P (2022). ‘Levelling Up: a missed opportunity to reframe the role of Investment in physical capital,’ People, Place and Policy 16:2, https://shura.shu. pportunity%28VoR%29.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Gray, M; Barford, A (2018).‘The depths of the cuts: the uneven geography of local government austerity’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11: p.3, Available at: cjres/article/11/3/541/5123936 (Accessed: April 2023).

Grayston, R; Lloyd, T (2023). The Case for Place: Creating prosperity through the economics of attraction, Create Streets Foundation for Karbon Homes, p. 29, Available at: https://www.karbonhomes. for-place-report-web-single-pages.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Hall, S; Jennings, W; McKay, L; Stowers, S; Surridge, P; Wager, A (UKICE). (2022). ‘Levelling up: What England Thinks’, UK in a Changing Europe, Available at: uploads/2022/09/UKICE-Levelling-Up- Report.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Harding, C (2022).‘Is levelling up dead, and does it matter?’, Centre for London, Available at: blog/is-levelling-up-dead/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Hawksbee, A (2022).‘Give Back Control: Realising the potential of England’s mayors’, Onward, Available at: https:// uploads/2022/06/ONWARD-GIVE-BACK- CONTROL-FINAL.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Holland, A (2022). UK Community Investment Bank, Heywood Foundation, Available at: https://heywoodfoundation. com/uk-community-investment-bank/ (Accessed: April 2023).

House of Commons (2013). Community budgets third report, Available at: https:// cmselect/cmcomloc/163/163.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Kaye, S (2020).‘Think big, act small’, New Local, Available at: https://www.newlocal. Big-Act-Small_.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Kaye, S (2022).‘Reimagining Whitehall’, Reform, Available at: research/reimagining-whitehall/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Kaye, S; King, P (2022).‘The Future of Levelling Up’, Reform, Available at: https:// up/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Kenyon, M (2022).‘Districts criticise devo framework’s ‘top-down approach’’, Local Government Chronicle, https://www.lgcplus. com/politics/devolution-and-economic- growth/districts-criticise-devo-frameworks- top-down-approach-16-03-2022/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Local Trust (2019). Left behind? Understanding communities on the edge, p.7, Available at: https://localtrust. (Accessed: April 2023).

Local Trust (2019b). Achieving local economic change: what works? What can be learnt from 40 years of local economic regeneration policy? Available at: https:// achieving-local-economic-change/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Local Trust (2021). The double dividend: The social and economic benefits of community infrastructure and its potential to level up ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods, Available at: dividend_July-2021.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Macroscope (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Manchester Metropolitan University (2021). Perspectives on UK economic policy institutions, Manchester Centre for Economic Policy, Available at: https://www. Perspectives%20on%20UK%20economic%20 policy%20institutions.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Marmot, M., Allen, J., Boyce, T., Goldblatt, and Morrison, J. (2020). Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On, Available at: publications/reports/the-marmot-review-10- years-on (Accessed: April 2023).

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (2019). English indices of deprivation 2019, Available at: https:// indices-of-deprivation-2019 (Accessed: April 2023).

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (2019). By deeds and their results: strengthening our communities and nation, Available at: government/publications/by-deeds-and- their-results-strengthening-our-communities- and-nation (Accessed: April 2023).

Morrison, J (2022). Is it time to retire the term ‘left behind’? New Local, https://www. (Accessed: April 2023).

Munford, Mott et al. (2022). Overcoming health inequalities in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods. Northern Health Science Alliance and the APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods. Available at: https://www. wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Overcoming- Health-Inequalities.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Naylor, C; Wellings, D (2019). Lessons from the Wigan Deal, The King’s Fund, https:// wigan-deal#what-we-did (Accessed: April 2023).

New Philanthropy Capital (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

New Local (2021). Community power: the evidence, Available at: power-the-evidence/ (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2019). List of ‘left-behind’ neighbourhoods, Available at: https:// neighbourhoods/ (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2019b). Community Needs Index – measuring social and cultural factors, Available at: community-needs-index-measuring-social- and-cultural-factors/ (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2020a).‘Left behind’ Neighbourhoods: Community data dive, uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/APPG- Community-Data-Dive-Report-for-APPG-S7. pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2020b). Left-behind Areas: Economic data dive’, Available at: https://www.appg- content/uploads/2020/09/OCSI-Economic- Data-dive-for-the-APPG.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2022a). Child maintenance and fuel poverty in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (LBNs), p.13, Available at: https://www. uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Child- maintenance-and-fuel-poverty-in-LBNs.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2022b). Financial vulnerability in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods (LBNs), p.4, Available at: https://www.appg- vulnerability-in-LBNs-2021.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

OCSI (2023). ‘Left behind’ Neighbourhoods: Performance on Levelling Up Mission 12, p.12, Available at: https://www.appg- up-White-paper-Mission-12-Report.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Onward (2021). Turnaround: Learning from 60 years of regeneration policy, Available at: turnaround-regeneration-neighbourhood/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Parker, G., Salter, K; Wargent, M. (2019). Neighbourhood Planning in Practice. London: Lund Humphries.

Parker, G., Wargent, M., Salter, K., Dobson, M., Lynn, T; Yuille, A. (2020). Impacts of Neighbourhood Planning in England.

Report to MHCLG, May 2020. Available at: government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/929422/Impacts_of_ Neighbourhood_Planning_in_England.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

People’s Health Trust (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Pollard, G; Studdert, J; Tiratelli, L (2021). ‘Community Power: The Evidence’, New Local, Available at: https://www.newlocal. evidence/#exec (Accessed: April 2023).

Pope, T; Dalton, G; Coggins, M (2023). How can devolution deliver regional growth in England, Institute for Government, Available at: uk/sites/default/files/2023-05/devolution- and-regional-growth-england.pdf (Accessed: May 2023).

Power to Change (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Plunkett Foundation (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Renaisi (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Social Mobility Commission (2022) ‘State of the Nation 2022: A fresh approach to social mobility’, Available at: https://assets. uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/1084566/State_of_the_ Nation_2022_A_fresh_approach_to_social_ mobility.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Social Mobility Commission (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

South, J; Southby, K; Freeman, C; Bagnall, AM; Pennington, A; Corcoran, R (2021). Community Wellbeing Case Study Synthesis, What Works Centre for Wellbeing, Available at: content/uploads/2018/05/Community- wellbeing-case-study-synthesis-Technical- Report-2021v2.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Studdert, J (2021).‘Escaping the Community Power Evidence Paradox’, New Local, Available at: https://www.newlocal. (Accessed: April 2023).

Studdert, J (2023). Fiscal Devolution: Why we need it and how to make it work, New Local, fiscal-devo/ (Accessed: April 2023).

The Cares Family (2022). Social Capital: What we mean by it and why it matters, Available at: http://www.belongnetwork. Social-capital-what-we-mean-and-why-it- matters-Sept-22-1.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Tiratelli, L (2020).‘Community Mobilisation: Unlocking the Potential of Community Power’, New Local, Available at: https:// community-mobilisation-unlocking-the- potential-of-community-power/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Tiratelli, L; Kaye, S (2020). Communities vs Coronavirus: The rise of mutual aid, New Local, Available at: https://www.newlocal. Communities-vs-Coronavirus_New-Local.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

Tomlinson, J (2021).‘Deindustrialisation and ‘Thatcherism’: moral economy and unintended consequences,’ Contemporary British History, 35: p.62.

University of Plymouth (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Vizard, P (2022).‘The holes in the UK levelling up strategy: key omissions from the

government’s metrics’, LSE British Politics and Policy, Available at: politicsandpolicy/levelling-up-metrics/ (Accessed: April 2023).

Volunteering Matters (2023). Written evidence submission to the inquiry.

Ward, M (2023).‘Which areas have benefited from the Levelling Up Fund?’, House of Commons Library, Available at: which-areas-have-benefited-from-the- levelling-up-fund/ (Accessed: April 2023).

West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (2023). REDI-Updates: Cost-of-living crisis – The impact of the crisis and the supply-side failures driving it, 2023, p.9, Available at: https://www.birmingham. business/research/wm-redi/wm-redi- project-docs/redi-updates/redi-updates-4- final-version.pdf (Accessed: April 2023).

We’re Right Here (2023). Available at: (Accessed: April 2023).

Williams, J (2023a). English councils: the budget cuts that are threatening levelling up, Available at: content/562bdd76-f242-47e6-9deb- a3beeaebe732 (Accessed: April 2023).

Williams, J (2023b). Quarter of funds for UK levelling-up projects goes unspent, Financial Times, Available at: 877c239bd1c8 (Accessed: April 2023).