The APPG for 'left behind' neighbourhoods was active between June 2020 and March 2024. This website will no longer be updated.

Informed by new research commissioned for the APPG, what particular local ‘liveability’ issues do residents in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods experience? What can be done to help improve how local areas look and feel, and how can communities be better supported and resourced to take action to make their neighbourhoods safer, cleaner and greener?


Our speakers


Session 9 liveability briefing

This briefing provides an overview of local liveability issues in ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods. Informed by the latest OCSI data dive commissioned for the APPG, it reveals that these neighbourhoods have a lower concentration of green assets and recreational green space than other deprived areas and across urban England. It examines current policy and approaches to improve how areas look and feel, and how communities can be better supported to develop local solutions to quality of life issues.

Commissioned research


Liveability and place quality

Communities and regeneration

Policy context